[三维动画]《三维少女制作入门》作者:武毅恒.pdf [34 MB]

[三维动画]《三维少女制作入门》作者:武毅恒.pdf [34 MB]

  [46]    Eric Sinrod, Is GPS Liability Next?    CNET    , January 16, 2008, http://news.cnet.com/Is-GPS-liability-next/2010-1033_3-6226346.html?tag=ne.fd.mnbc.  

  [47]    Martin J.Saulen, The Machine Knows! What Legal Implications Arise for GPS Device Manufacturers When Drivers Following their GPS Devices Instructions Cause an Accident?    New England Law review    44:1(Fall 2009): 189.  

  [48]    Tom Vanderbilt, Let the Robot Drive, Wired, January 12, 2012, http://www.wired.com/magazine/2012/01/ff_autonomouscars/all/1.  

  [49]    Vanderbilt, Let the Robot Drive.   jqr-082

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